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AP Government Case Studies

Guiding Questions 

  • How does this case study illuminate key concepts and processes in government and politics?


  • Students will analyze and discuss a specific topic within the AP Government framework using a case study approach, primary sources, and structured discussion techniques. 

Student Resources:

  • Case study essay 
  • Case study primary sources 
  • Writing materials or devices for note taking 

Teacher Resources:

  • Case study teacher guide 
  • Discussion Protocols 


  • Activate prior knowledge by asking students to write down what they already know about the topic. 
  • Have students share their thoughts with a partner or small group. 


  • Distribute the case study essay/reading to students. 
  • Allow time for individual reading and note-taking. 
  • Encourage students to highlight key points and questions as they read. 
  • Conduct a quick whole-class discussion on initial reactions and questions. 
  • Primary Source Analysis:  
    • Divide students into small groups. 
    • Assign each group one or more primary sources related to the case study. 
    • Instruct groups to analyze their assigned source(s) using guiding questions provided. 
  • Group Sharing:  
    • Have each group briefly present their primary source findings to the class. 
    • Encourage other students to ask questions or add insights. 
  • Structured Discussion: 
    • Refer to the discussion protocol document to select an appropriate discussion format. 
    • Use the discussion questions provided in the teacher guide to facilitate the conversation. 
    • Ensure all students have an opportunity to participate and share their thoughts. 

Assess & Reflect 

  • Ask students to write a brief reflection addressing: 
    • The most significant thing they learned from the case study. 
    • How this topic connects to other areas of AP Government. 
    • Any remaining questions they have about the topic. 
  • Collect reflections for formative assessment. 


  • Direct students to the additional links provided in the teacher guide for further exploration. 
  • Assign a follow-up activity, such as: 
    • Researching a related current event and explaining its connection to the case study. 
    • Creating a visual representation (infographic or mind map) of the key concepts from the case study. 
    • Writing a short essay comparing the case study with another relevant example in American government. 


Student Handouts

Related Resources