14 Lessons
All lessons can be found below!
- George Washington’s Finest Hour: The Newburgh Conspiracy and Identity
- Edward R. Murrow: In His Own Words
- I WILL BE HEARD: William Lloyd Garrison, Abolitionism, Colonization, and Identity
- The Gospel of Wealth: Andrew Carnegie, Philanthropy, and Identity
- Frederick Douglass and Identity: Resurrection to the Heaven of Freedom
- Four Score and Seven Years Ago: The Gettysburg Address and American Identity
- I Have a Dream: Martin Luther King Jr. and Identity
- We Hold These Truths: Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence, and Identity
- A Self-Made Man: The Story of Thurgood Marshall
- Roger Williams: Man of the Word
- That Golden Moment: Jesse Owens and Identity
- On My Own Ground: Madam C.J. Walker and Identity
- The Diarist’s Identity: Mary Chesnut and her Civil War Diary
- You Felt He was Talking to You: FDR’s Fireside Chats and Identity