Republican Government
- checks and balances
- liberty
- consent of the governed
- due process
- Benjamin Franklin
- democracy
- natural rights
- virtue
- James Madison
- John Locke
- Constitution
- Bill of Rights
- tyranny
- justice
- republic
- arbitrary
- Electoral College
- judicial review
- separation of powers
- popular sovereignty
- republican government
- Founders
Republican Government Activity: Constitutional Principle Viewing Guide
Have the students watch the Constitutional Principle Video on Republican Government. Students should complete Handout A: Republican Government Video Viewing Guide as they watch.
Republican Government Activity: Federalist No. 51
Students will read Handout B: Federalist No. 51 and review the United States Constitution. They will write a brief essay explaining how the Constitution promotes republican (or representative) government and why republican government was an important principle to the Founders.
Student Handouts
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