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MyImpact Challenge: Charity & Community

Lesson Four – Charity and Community

Americans have been solving problems through private charity for centuries, and our country has a long and strong history of voluntary associations. French observer Alexis de Tocqueville even wrote about associations as a uniquely American way of pursuing the common good.  

In this lesson, you’ll learn about the history of charity in America, and take part in a charitable brainstorming exercise from Benjamin Franklin himself. Is charitable activity the best approach for your project? 


  • Define charity and describe the importance of charitable associations in American society.
  • Analyze charts and graphs to describe the character of American charitable giving.
  • Determine connections between your project and charitable associations using Benjamin Franklin’s Junto club’s questions.
  • Assess your own and peer’s project plan and reflect on chances to improve your current plan.

Student Materials:

Check out our other lessons at the links below: 

Lesson One – Identifying Your Problem 

Lesson Two – Defining Citizenship

Lesson Three – Government and Community

Lesson Five – Entrepreneurship and Community

Lesson Six – Finalizing Your Project

Next Lesson

MyImpact Challenge: Entrepreneurship & Community