How Am I Represented?
Lesson Components
Representation Graphic OrganizerDownload Lesson Plan
Essential Question:
How are my views and values represented in the American government?
Guiding Questions:
- How does the Founding principle of consent of the governed apply to my life?
- Which level of government is best suited to represent constituents?
Students will:
- Research the various people and groups that represent them at the local, state, and national levels.
- Apply the Founding principle of consent of the governed to their lives.
- Graphic organizer: Student Handout Graphic Organizer
- Consent of the Governed Video
- Ask students “Why do you think the first three words in the Constitution are “We the People” and why is this important?
- Ask for volunteers to share their answers with the class.
- Introduce the Founding principle of consent of the governed: The power of government comes from the people. Use this video to help explain the principle.
- Ask, “How do ‘we the people’ exercise this power?” Encourage students to think about how they can use their power (starting a club, writing a petition, volunteering for causes that are important to them) and how they delegate that power to representatives who are elected to act and speak on their behalf.
- Distribute the graphic organizer and allow students time to research and fill in the various ways they are represented.
- Students should start with themselves, as “we the people” are the foundation of the government. Encourage them to think about things that are important to them and include these ideas in their organizers.
- Locally, encourage students to think of government bodies such as a city council or mayor. Other groups, such as a sports league or scouts council could be connected to governing or administering programs and initiatives about causes that interest them.
- Once students have completed their organizers, have them look over their organizers and answer the reflection questions.
Assess and Reflect
Have students answer the following questions:
- What did this activity teach you about how representation works?
- Who (which level) best represents your views and values and why?
- Why is the Founding principle of consent of the governed important for representation?
- What do you think is the best course of action when an elected official does not represent constituents’ beliefs and values?
- Extend the second reflection question by asking students to think about their plans for the future. How might those plans be affected by the different levels of representation?
- Ask students to explain how the legislative branch’s representation compares to that of the other branches.