Constitutional Connection: Impeachment and the Constitution
20 min
Review the impeachment process established in the Constitution:
- Formal accusation of “high crimes and misdemeanors” by the House of Representatives
- Trial before the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding
- Conviction and removal from office only if at least two-thirds of Senators find the President guilty
- If convicted, the President’s punishment could be only removal from office and ineligibility to serve in any future position in the federal government.
- Once removed from office, the former President could still be brought to trial in the ordinary courts for any offenses he may have committed.
Distribute Handout A: Impeachment and the Constitution. Have students complete the Handout in pairs or trios, and then reconvene the class to share responses as a large group.
Debrief the class on the discussion. Was there general agreement on each scenario? If not, why? What sources should be used to determine if a presidential action warrants impeachment?