Cold War DBQ (1947-1989)
In this lesson, developed by and included with the permission of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, students will analyze the effectiveness of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War through the actions of the office of the president of the United States. Students will examine primary source documents from the following institutions:
- The Harry S. Truman Presidential Library
- The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
- The Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library
- The Richard Nixon Presidential Library
- The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
- The Herb Block Foundation
- The National Security Archive at George Washington University
- White House Office of Management and Budget
- Students will be able to examine and analyze primary source documents, cartoons, and graphs.
- Students will analyze the effectiveness of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War during the years 1947-1989.
- Students will practice writing a DBQ essay.
Visit ReaganFoundation.org to access this lesson and accompanying materials.