Representation Roundup
The Nature of Representation in the U.S. Congress Description: The framers of the Constitution set up a system of representation for the United States, which although informed by the experiences of other republics, was different from them. The Constitution establishes the legislature and the executive as two independent, but closely connected, branches. Members of the U.S. Congress experience a fundamental tension between being a trustee for the interests of the people and being their delegate. This lesson explores how representatives must balance the demands of the district with the interest of the nation, as well as determining the appropriate level of political party loyalty. Lesson: The Great American Count-Off: The Census, Representation, and Apportionment Description: In this eLesson, students will analyze the important role the Census plays in our political system, assess the changes the Census system has undergone throughout our history, and explore how individuals are represented through the Census. Lesson: Republican Government Description: Our republican form of government has representatives in government to carry out the will of the people. This lesson has students explore how our system tries to carry out majority rule while still protecting minority rights. Lesson: Legacy of Republicanism Description: Delegates at the Constitutional Convention debated the nature of representative government and how best to organize legislative bodies into a stable and responsive branch of government. Other questions included whether enslaved persons would be counted towards a state’s population count, how representatives ought to be elected, and whether the legislature should be a unicameral or bicameral organization. This lesson explores these issues and more.