- The Speaker calls House to order, and directs the House Clerk to call the first Bill.
- The House Clerk reads first bill number and short title and announces the name of committee and results of committee vote.
- For example: “reported by a vote of 5 aye and 1 no.”
- The Speaker asks the Committee Chair to explain why the committee recommends the bill. The Chair explains the Committee’s reasoning.
- The Speaker calls for a discussion under closed rule (no amendments allowed).
- He or she recognizes the Majority Leader to conduct party discussion/questions for no more than three minutes total.
- The Opposing Party Clerk keeps cumulative time and calls “time” at three minutes.
- The Party Clerk for party speaking keeps time on each Speaker and calls “time” at thirty seconds,
- The Majority Leader comes forward and
- Asks the Party Clerk to provide party position on bill.
- Clerk does so, including result of caucus vote.
- Briefly states his/her opinion on bill.
- Recognizes the Majority Whip who briefly states his/her opinion.
- Recognizes other party members who wish to speak.
- Yields to Speaker.
- The Speaker recognizes the Minority Leader, who conducts party discussion in a similar fashion.
- Note: The House Clerk completes paperwork on prior bill while opposing party has floor.
The House Clerk will
- Staple Handout O: House Tally Sheet below the Bill
- Stamp the Bill
- Date the Bill
- Complete the House Calendar
- Deliver Bill to the President (teacher)
- The Speaker closes the discussion and asks the House Clerk to conduct voice or roll-call vote:
- Voice Vote: The House Clerk says
- “All those in favor say Aye” (they do)
- “All those opposed say No” (they do)
- The Speaker determines the result of a voice vote and announces such: “The bill is passed/killed by a voice vote”.
- Any member may challenge the result of a voice vote and request a roll-call vote.
- The House Clerk records the results on Handout O: House Tally Sheet.
- The House Clerk circles “voice” on Handout O: House Tally Sheet.
- Roll-Call Vote: The House Clerk conducts and announces the result of roll-call vote:
- “The bill is passed/killed by a vote of ______________________________ aye, ______________________________ no.”
- The House Clerk records the results on Handout O: House Tally Sheet.
- The House Clerk circles “roll-call” on Handout O: House Tally Sheet.
- Standing Vote: The Speaker directs the House Clerk to conduct a standing vote.
- The House Clerk says, “All those in favor, please stand.” (they do)
- He or she counts all of those standing and records the number on Handout O: House Tally Sheet
- The House Clerk says, “All those opposed, please stand.” (they do)
- He or she counts all of those standing and records the number on Handout O: House Tally Sheet.
- The House Clerk announces the result: “The Bill is passed/killed by a vote of ______________________________ aye, ______________________________ no.”
- The House Clerk circles “standing” on Handout O: House Tally Sheet.
- The Speaker directs the House Clerk to call the next bill. (Go back to step 2)
- When all bills have been completed, the Speaker calls for motion to recess the Student Congress pending action by President. (A motion is made)
- Speaker calls for “second”
- The Speaker declares Congress in recess.
- The Speaker should use a serious expression and manner and project his or her voice to state, “Congress is in recess,” and hit the gavel.