Handout B: A Total Ban on Handguns?
Directions: Read each statement and decide whether you think such a regulation would be constitutional (C) or unconstitutional (U). Remember that your task is to decide the constitutionality of each law—not to decide whether it is a good idea or bad idea.
- All types of firearms are legally available for purchase.
- Individuals can buy many kinds of firearms, but not some of the most dangerous, like AK-47s.
- Individuals can buy handguns. They can only buy one per month, however. Handguns must be registered.
- Most individuals can legally buy handguns. Convicted felons cannot.
- Some individuals can legally buy handguns. Convicted felons, those accused of domestic violence, and people who have ever been diagnosed as mentally ill cannot buy them.
- Some individuals can buy handguns. Protestants may buy them, while Catholics may not.
- Individuals can own handguns, but they must be kept unloaded in a person’s home.
- No one may own handguns.