American Revolution Readings | Course of the American Revolution | Elementary
Readings documenting the course of the American Revolution.
Option A
Lexile: 1070
Words: 486
Vocabulary: enslave, courageously, self-government, spying, ally, colonist, boycott, rebel, rage, thirteen
The American Revolution was an important time when the thirteen colonies decided they did not want to be ruled by Britain anymore. In 1776, they courageously said they wanted to be independent and started a fight for liberty. While the battles were raging, other important events were occurring, and ordinary Americans were trying to live their lives as normally as possible.
Soldiers in Uniform| Popular watercolor by French artist who fought in the Revolution. It shows an African American soldier from 1st Rhode Island Regiment, a New England militia man, a frontiersman, and a French officer.
In 1776, following battles at Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill, the colonies officially said they wanted to be free in a document called the Declaration of Independence. This set the Revolutionary War in motion. The document explained why they wanted liberty, and it became an important symbol of the revolution. An important leader named John Adams led the group who wrote the Declaration. Another man named Thomas Jefferson wrote the document.
To resist British rule and support the war effort, many colonists boycotted or refused to buy British goods. The war made prices rise for goods people needed. There were also rules against buying too much and selling items for profit. Families had a hard time during the war. Many colonists fought with the British or stayed neutral (did not pick a side) during the Revolutionary War. Some families even fought against each other.
Molly Pitcher the heroine of Monmouth | Mary Ludwig Hays (AKA Molly Pitcher because she was bringing water to soldiers) is depicted as stepping in for her husband at the cannon after he was either injured or suffered heat related illness at the Battle of Monmouth
Women played important roles in the war, doing jobs like nursing, spying, and supporting the army in various ways. Women also managed family farms and businesses through the war while husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons were away to fight. Women like Mercy Otis Warren and Phillis Wheatley used their talents for writing to support the American cause by creating articles, letters, and poetry.
Portrait of Phillis Wheatley and Title Page of her Poetry book | First Black, female poet to publish a book. She supported the Revolution but wrote enslavement was holding America back from true freedom.
Native American tribes and enslaved people joined different sides based on what was in their best interest. The Mohawk Tribe in New York sided with the British in the war because the British were keeping the colonists from expanding into their land. A free Black man named Crispus Attucks joined the American resistance against the British and was the first to die in the events leading to the American Revolution. Later, British leaders even offered enslaved people freedom after the war if they were willing to fight against rebelling colonists. In addition, about 5,000 Blacks fought on the American side.
Leaders had to deal with the challenges of war, creating friendships with other countries and managing issues within the colonies. Benjamin Franklin was an important leader who helped America secure help from the French and an alliance with them. This help from the French helped win the war.
The colonists eventually won because they were strong, had smart leaders, allied with other countries like France, and had the courage to believe in freedom and liberty. The revolution was driven by the desire for liberty and self-government. The courage shown by individuals at all levels was important to the American cause.
Option B
Lexile: 700
Words: 381
Vocabulary: enslave, thirteen, spy, neutral, colony, govern, courage, wish, poetry, alliance
The American Revolution was an important time when the thirteen colonies decided they did not want to be ruled by Britain anymore. They wanted to be independent. They started a fight for liberty. This would be a very tough fight. Britain had the strongest military in the world. While the battles were happening, other important events were occurring. Ordinary Americans were trying to live their lives as normally as possible.
Soldiers in Uniform| Popular watercolor by French artist who fought in the Revolution. It shows an African American soldier from 1st Rhode Island Regiment, a New England militia man, a frontiersman, and a French officer.
In 1776, the colonies wanted liberty to govern themselves. They said this in the Declaration of Independence. This started the Revolutionary War. The document explained why they wanted liberty. It became an important symbol of the fight.
Leaders knew that war would be tough. Britain was very strong. The colonies knew that they would need help. Leaders like Benjamin Franklin created alliances with other countries.
To resist British rule, many people did not buy British goods. They supported the war effort this way. The war made prices go up but people needed these goods. Families had a hard time during the war.
Many people fought with the British. Some stayed neutral during the Revolutionary War. Neutral means they did not pick a side. Some families fought against each other.
Molly Pitcher the heroine of Monmouth | Mary Ludwig Hays (AKA Molly Pitcher because she was bringing water to soldiers) is depicted as stepping in for her husband at the cannon after he was either injured or suffered heat related illness at the Battle of Monmouth
Women did important jobs in the war. They worked as nurses, spies, and helped the army. Women also took care of family farms and businesses. They did this while the men were away fighting. Women like Mercy Otis Warren wrote to support the American cause. Phillis Wheatley also wrote. They created articles, letters, and poetry.
Native American groups and enslaved people joined different sides. This was based on what was best for them. The Mohawk Tribe in New York joined with the British. This was because the British stopped people who wanted their land. A free Black man named Crispus Attucks joined the American fight. He was the first to die in the events leading to the American Revolution.
Portrait of Phillis Wheatley and Title Page of her Poetry book | First Black, female poet to publish a book. She supported the Revolution but wrote enslavement was holding America back from true freedom.
The people in America won. They had smart leaders. They were friends with countries like France. They had the courage to believe in liberty. They wanted to govern themselves. The wish for liberty drove the fight for change. The courage shown at all levels was important to the American cause.