Constitutional Principles
5 items

Constitutional Principles: Representative Government
5 Min
Do you understand the key differences between a Republic and a Democracy? The Bill of Rights Institute has created a short, engaging video for Constitution Day on the constitutional principle of representative government. Exciting visuals from current events, an engaging historical narrative, brief scholar interviews, familiar music, and memorable quotes will make this 5-minute video perfect for use on Constitution Day, and every day!
5 Min

Constitutional Principles: The Rule of Law
8 Min
Do you understand why the rule of law is important for maintaining free society? The Bill of Rights Institute has created a short, engaging video for Bill of Rights Day on the constitutional principle of the rule of law. Exciting visuals from current events, an engaging historical narrative, brief scholar interviews, and memorable quotes will make this 8-minute video perfect for use on Bill of Rights Day, and every day!
8 Min

Constitutional Principles: Consent of the Governed
6 Min
Do you understand the principle of consent of the governed outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution? This short, engaging video focuses on the constitutional principle of consent of the governed through American history.
Clear definitions and graphics, an engaging historical narrative, brief scholar interviews, and memorable quotes will make this 6-minute video perfect for use any time of the year!
6 Min

Constitutional Principles: Separation of Powers
6 Min
What is separation of powers? The US Constitution describes separation of powers throughout the first 10 amendments. Do you understand why separation of powers is important for protecting our freedom? This short, engaging video focuses on the constitutional principle of separation of powers.
Clear definitions and graphics, an engaging historical narrative, brief scholar interviews, and memorable quotes will make this 6-minute video perfect for use any time of the year!
6 Min

The Underlying Principles of the Founding | Dr. Nicholas Cole | BRI’s Constitutional Conversations
3 Min
Dr. Nicholas Cole, Senior Research Fellow at Pembroke College, University of Oxford and lead designer on the Quill Project, help us understand what founding principles were universally held at the founding.
3 Min